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Nick Fiaschetti ’17


Linglestown, Pa

Branch of Service and Job title:

ARMY, Combat Medic

Years active in the military:

Four years

Why did you choose to come to Widener Law Commonwealth?

When I was done with my service in the ARMY I knew I wanted to come back to the area and attend law school, so I chose Widener.

How have your experiences in the military prepared you for law school?

The military taught me self-discipline. And, just like in the military, in law school it is up to you to make sure that you are completing assignments and being productive since there is no one who is going to stand over your shoulder. The ARMY is a good foundation of self-discipline that you need to be successful in law school.

What are your goals after graduation?

I have an interest in the areas of tax law or property law.

What is your advice to other veterans who or thinking of coming to Widener Law Commonwealth?

Put in the time and research and decide if it’s the right fit for you and make sure that if you decide to attend you are getting the most out of your GI benefits. I think the administrative staff here is phenomenal in how they handle and treat the vets. The staff always makes sure that that our issues are taken care of in an efficient and timely manner.

Interview was conducted in Fall 2015.


Contact Information

Admissions Office 
Phone: 717.541.3903
Fax: 717.541.3999
Form:  Information Request

Financial Aid Office

Office of Student Affairs
Randi Teplitz
Assistant Dean of Students

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