Reciprocity is a process by which NALP member law schools mutually agree to extend career development privileges and services.
Participating law school career development offices will provide access to career resources for law students and graduates from other law schools that agree to provide similar services.
For current WLC students / alumni
If you are serious about relocating, all you need to do is submit a request to Dean Antos, and we will handle the rest! Please be sure to research the school’s policy and eligibility requirements and provide all requested information to Dean Antos.
If the law school to which you have applied for reciprocity is able to accommodate your request, you may receive access to that school's job postings and other career services library resources (varies by school).
You should be mindful that each participating law school has its own reciprocity requirements and that receiving reciprocity is not automatic. You must visit the CDO / Reciprocity page of the school(s) you are interested in to learn about the policies of each school.
Be advised, most law schools have a "blackout" period - usually between August 1 and November 1, when schools are preparing for and conducting fall recruitment, during which no reciprocity requests will be granted.
For outside students / graduates
Widener Law Commonwealth's Career Development Office provides reasonable access of resources to students and graduates of law schools outside the immediate area under the following conditions:
Is reciprocity available to current law students of other law schools?
Yes, with some exceptions. Contact the Career Development Office.
If yes, what class years are eligible?
Is reciprocity available to graduates of other law schools?
Yes, with some exceptions. Contact the Career Development Office.
When is reciprocity available?
Closed from August 1 to November 15 (see policy above).
What length of time may a student or graduate use our services?
Ninety (90) days.
Is a letter required?
Yes, email is fine.
If yes, how far in advance should it be sent?
Two (2) weeks.
Can it be faxed?
Yes, please see fax number above.
Services available to students and graduates of other schools:
Job postings
What is the restriction on the number of students / graduates?
Services may be denied to any school which exceeds a reasonable number of requests within a given year, or to individuals who misuse the facilities or services.
Widener Law Commonwealth
Career Development Office
3800 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.541.3906
Fax: 717.541.3966