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There’s something exceptional about our Widener Law Commonwealth alumni. You work hard to pursue your passion for law and continue to make an impact throughout the greater legal community in Pennsylvania and beyond.

We invite you to join WidenerCONNECT, our official networking platform, that will also serve as our alumni directory.

You can easily create a profile on WidenerCONNECT by importing your existing LinkedIn profile. Just use your LinkedIn account when you log in.

By joining, you can network with other Widener Law Commonwealth graduates and share your professional expertise and experience with current students.

WidenerCONNECT enables students and alumni to not only share their academic and professional backgrounds, but also the experiences and interests that are unique to them.

How can you get the most out of WidenerCONNECT?
  • Network with your Pride Community. Select the "Explore the Community" tab and use the search tool to find alumni in your area of interest. You can connect online and even set up a video chat.
  • Start a discussion. Use the "Discussion" tab to post or answer questions that have been posted by other WLC alumni.
  • Join Groups. Join special Widener groups dedicated to alumni interests. Join the Widener Law Commonwealth Alumni Group.
  • Access resources. Explore webinars, articles, and tools posted in the resources section.
    View job postings. View a wide variety of job postings via the opportunities tab at the top of the WidenerCONNECT homepage.
  • Post a job opportunity. Post a job or internship for Widener Law Commonwealth students via the Handshake platform.
  • Invite classmates. Use the referral link to encourage your WLC friends and colleagues to join WidenerCONNECT.
  • Act as a mentor. Learn more about how you can act as a mentor to a current WLC student.

Be active! We encourage you to explore the platform and ask questions. Everyone in this network is here to connect and support one another.

It is our goal to use WidenerCONNECT to foster alumni and student connections and mentorships. You can help a student reach their potential and realize their dreams by joining WidenerCONNECT today!

Contact Us

Development and Alumni Engagement Office
Phone: 717.541.3905

Join WidenerCONNECT


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