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Externship Spotlight: Thomas Dyer

Photo of studentThomas Dyer found his externship to be a very busy and rewarding experience.

Serving in the chambers of the Honorable Henry Van Eck for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, he prepared for and attended weekly hearings and as needed, drafted legal memoranda on bankruptcy issues during the spring and fall semesters of 2021.

Not only did Dyer’s externship help him learn more about the legal practice as a whole, it also allowed him to explore an area of law that really interested him and improved his writing and research skills.

“Being in chambers, I was able to see how the judge looked at and decided issues. I was also able to observe practicing attorneys in the courtroom presenting motions and making arguments. Observing the practice of law up close for a year taught me so many tips and lessons I will carry with me as I begin my legal career.”

Dyer said taking part in the externship program is something students should definitely consider.

“There are many placements available, whether it be at the state or federal level. Taking part in one of these experiences during your time in law school will help prepare you for the start of your legal career and it will be a decision you will not regret.”

Contact Information

Elizabeth Simcox
Coordinator of Externships
Adjunct Professor